Monday 7 October 2013

New message from Gary!
Sorry Guys I'm having trouble uploading the Clothes Cheats but I'll try to get it up as soon as I can and while your waiting here is a picture of a cute cat.

Friday 4 October 2013

The Club Penguin Times Issue 415 is out. In this issue we have:

The Puffle Pizza Snack Station:
I did a bit of research for this one and to do it I needed a little help from my white puffle Snow Flake.
So yes if you go to the Pizza Parlor with your puffle and stand on the target you can purchase pizza to increase your puffles health but of coarse they had to drag some king of profit here so if you want deluxe pizza you have spend an extra 5 coins and have a paid membership.

Other Stories:
. Rookie is going to be running The Halloween Party this year (This can only end badly)
. Aunt Arctic answers the question, How do I become a reporter?
. Upcoming Events such as The Halloween Party and the next Stage Play (Which traditionally at Halloween      is always Night of the Living Sled)
. Aunt Arctic also answers the common question this time of year, What costume should I wear?
. The secrets also tells you to look for hidden items in the catalogs which I will be exploiting tomorrow so        stay tuned for that.
. And as always the Jokes Section which I'm pretty sure no one reads because the jokes are so lame.

 Halloween is almost here so you know what that means! Lots and lots of advertising about the parties, Yaaay!

If you have an iPad and you are a member make sure you check out the Club Penguin app My Penguin to get exclusive Halloween Items!

 Make sure to check out the new video on Club Penguins home page. If the video comes out on YouTube I'll upload it to this blog but if it dosen't make sure you go check it out!

Well that's all for now be sure to go check out the video here- and the iPad app.

Happy October! - aalleexx89

The newest pin is at the underground mine. Click on it to get the Prank Fangs Pin!
Hey so if anybody reads this blog (which I'm pretty sure they don't) but if you do I'm sorry I'm not really that reliable, I'll try to post as much as possible but if you want a good Club Penguin cheats website go to: or type 'Mimo77' into google.

Thanks Baiiiii

Wednesday 24 October 2012

The Latest Pin is in The Mine click on it and you will get The 7th Anniversary Pin!